Research outcomes

Research outcomes #

Note: All submitted preprints are available on arXiv at

In preperation #

  • Intersections of graphs and \(\chi \!\!\) -boundedness I
    with Hidde Koerts and Sophie Spirkl.
  • Induced subgraphs of graphs of large \(K_{r} \!\!\) -free chromatic number I
    with Mathieu Rundström and Sophie Spirkl.
  • \(K_{r+1} \!\!\) -free intersection graphs of line segments with arbitrariry large \(K_{r} \!\!\) -free chromatic number
    with Bartosz Walczak.

Submitted or Accepted #

  • Graphs of bounded chordality [arXiv]
    with Babak Miraftab and Sophie Spirkl.
  • The sandwich problem for odd-hole-free and even-hole-free graphs [arXiv]
    with Kathie Cameron, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, and Sophie Spirkl.

Published #

Theses #

Coauthors #

Kathie Cameron, Celina Miraglia Herrera de Figueiredo, Babak Miraftab, Zishen Qu, Sophie Spirkl